Food: An Essential Part Of The Wedding Anniversary Celebration

A wedding anniversary party reflects the joy and togetherness a couple shares and also reminds them of the importance of marriage in today’s society. Most people today arrange for a wedding anniversary party to enable their friends and relatives to join in their celebration. Serving food at the party is a nice gesture for the host to show his love and gratitude towards all his well-wishers. Therefore the anniversary party food is an indispensable part of the celebration. The host has to devote considerable time in deciding the party food for his guests and while doing so, he has to take various aspects into consideration such as the number of people who will be attending the party, the type of food the guests will like to have, the venue of the party and also the timing of the party.

The caterer plays an important role in preparing and serving the food and therefore the right choice has to be made in selecting the same. In today’s parties, the buffet style of serving food is the most preferred one as it enables to serve different varieties of food. It also enables the guests to eat according to their choice and quantity. The starters for the occasion might include coffee/tea, meat balls, cheese balls, rolls, drinks etc. The most popular food items that are included in the main meal are salads, rolls, varieties of vegetable curries, fish curry, sea food, chicken curry, red meat, dessert etc.

However one must not forget to make arrangements for the wedding cake which will be an essential part of the celebration.

The young couples generally love to have a theme for their wedding anniversary celebration and decide the food items accordingly. The theme could be food from a certain region such as Chinese, Thai, Continental, Indian, Italian, Mexican etc. Cookies, chocolates and candies might be included in the food items as they would be appreciated by all people esp. the children. It has been observed that a few older people prefer to serve the same food as was served on their wedding day. The ambience only brings back fond memories of the past and enables them to re-live the moments once again. If the anniversary couple has a favourite dish of their own, it would be the best part of the celebration

Satisfied guests are very important for a party to be successful and it is the delicious food and drinks that can make the guests truly happy. Anniversary food planning should be done much in advance of the party so that no chaos is created at the last minute.

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